"I Don't Know the Precise Time of My Conversion"
CASE 1: "I'm unsure if I'm truly reborn, because I cannot pinpoint
the exact moment of my transformation, nor can I identify the
specific steps that led to it."
Answer: While it's certainly valuable to be able to recount the
beginning and gradual progress of the Lord's work on our souls, as
some believers can clearly do, knowing the intricacies of the Spirit's
work is not essential to validate the presence of grace. It's a blessing
if you can say, in this situation, like the blind man in the Gospel, "One thing I know for sure: I was blind, but now I see." Just as the presence of a flame indicates fire, even if we don't know how or when it started, the authenticity of grace can be discerned within us, even if we are unaware of how or when it entered our hearts. If you can recognize the positive transformation in your soul, if you find that your mind is now illuminated, and your will is aligned with God's in all aspects, particularly in embracing salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus, then there's no need to trouble yourself or reject comfort simply because you don't know the exact process that led to this change.
- Thomas Boston
the exact moment of my transformation, nor can I identify the
specific steps that led to it."
Answer: While it's certainly valuable to be able to recount the
beginning and gradual progress of the Lord's work on our souls, as
some believers can clearly do, knowing the intricacies of the Spirit's
work is not essential to validate the presence of grace. It's a blessing
if you can say, in this situation, like the blind man in the Gospel, "One thing I know for sure: I was blind, but now I see." Just as the presence of a flame indicates fire, even if we don't know how or when it started, the authenticity of grace can be discerned within us, even if we are unaware of how or when it entered our hearts. If you can recognize the positive transformation in your soul, if you find that your mind is now illuminated, and your will is aligned with God's in all aspects, particularly in embracing salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus, then there's no need to trouble yourself or reject comfort simply because you don't know the exact process that led to this change.
- Thomas Boston
8 things to consider in a young ladyThe Gospel According to Spurgeon"How the Spirit enables us to Pray""Christ our Mediator""What if I Doubt that I am Real Christian?""Christ the Rock of Peace""I Don't Know the Precise Time of My Conversion""Identifying False Peace""Struggling With Sin""Sinful Urges More Intense""Comparing Spiritual Growth""Discerning Hypocrites and Apostates""Falling Short of Biblical Saints""Unprecedented Temptations""Unusual Afflictions""Resting in the Assurance of Christ's Love"Definir nuestra relación
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