Iglesia Casa Vida Tamarindo
Ministry Partner: Carlos Alvarado
Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Carlos is a Costa Rican who got saved by the Lord around the year 2003. Stephanie is a Swiss-Brazilian, who was raised in a Christian household and by God’s grace was saved at a young age. Providentially, we met in Costa Rica in 2004 and married in 2008. God kindly graced us with three kids, Alexander (2014), Chloé (2016), and Naomi (2017). After finishing our Culinary & Hospitality studies (in France and Switzerland) we worked in hotels and restaurants, always with an increasing desire to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3:18). Thereafter, the Lord provided for us to study at a Bible Institute in Geneva, Switzerland (2011). Thereafter, the Lord opened doors for us to serve as Youth Pastors in Costa Rica. We acknowledge that we needed further tools to cut the Word straight and God kindly opened the doors in 2020 to study at The Master’s Seminary. By God’s grace, Carlos graduated in May 2024. Stephanie is constantly strengthening her piano skills to serve the Lord whom she loves. All the while, she grows in grace as she excels as a loving wife, nurturing mother, and follower of Christ.
After graduation, the Lord directed our steps via an invitation to serve at Iglesia Casa Vida Tamarindo. We look forward to working alongside the pastors for the advancement of the kingdom by making much of Christ’s name. We trust the Lord will build up His church as the Spirit of God uses the Word of God as it is faithfully preached, one verse at a time (2 Tim. 4:2).
We pray the Lord may use us to reach the lost with the wonderful Gospel and strengthen the saints as we grow in sanctification alongside His sheep in Iglesia Casa Vida Tamarindo. May the Chief Shepherd grant us courage to boldly herald the Word and faithfully serve Him (Col. 3:24). Pura Vida!
Soli Deo Gloria
After graduation, the Lord directed our steps via an invitation to serve at Iglesia Casa Vida Tamarindo. We look forward to working alongside the pastors for the advancement of the kingdom by making much of Christ’s name. We trust the Lord will build up His church as the Spirit of God uses the Word of God as it is faithfully preached, one verse at a time (2 Tim. 4:2).
We pray the Lord may use us to reach the lost with the wonderful Gospel and strengthen the saints as we grow in sanctification alongside His sheep in Iglesia Casa Vida Tamarindo. May the Chief Shepherd grant us courage to boldly herald the Word and faithfully serve Him (Col. 3:24). Pura Vida!
Soli Deo Gloria